It's not who starts but who perseveres

(motto of the Italian Navy school ship A. Vespucci)

I have always liked sports. I love rugby, but I do not think there are better sports than others. Neverthless, there are better athletes than others.

I believe that training, after all, is only an opportunity for much more, but this is understood by only a few and after many years.
I like training. It gives me joy when I give it all, when I don' spare myself, when I don't cheat. Training rebalances me, helps me feel more "centered". I think better, and it gives me certainty that I will be stronger in life.

Training brings me back to an ancient dimension of life and of physical effort that we have lost, but that I feel mine and that helps me make peace with the world.

I believe that we are all unique and special in our individuality and that there cannot be one type of training or exercise suitable for everyone.
I too have felt the frustration of not being able to do an exercise well; I too have met bad teachers who have sabotaged me or made me feel inadequate; I too have been programmed to follow certain criteria of judgment and I have inevitably come out of it a loser and frustrated. Today I know that my uniqueness is a resource, it's my competitive advantage.

Each of us has his own Greatness that must be sought, discovered and nourished.

I took classes, I got diplomas and certificates. Everything was useful and a lot more is to come. Today I know that communicating effectively is the hardest thing to do and that the words that we use reflect our world and create opportunities. I know that our thinking is powerful because it is up to our mind if we want to feel miserable or great. I have realized that knowledge is not enough to be a teacher. We can instill all we know only if we are able to identify in the other person and recognize his humanity. When one recognizes the other person, there is an exchange.

The best coaches know a lot about training, but they do not just know that. That's why I keep myself up to date and I also read about other things that are different than training. I wish to myself that I will continue to search, ask "good" questions, cultivate curiosity, be wary of fascinating dogmas, take into consideration truths that are different from mine, discover and notice new things or see with new eyes. To improve myself. To do my best. "Because those who stop, deceive themselves. If nothing is sacrificed, nothing can be achieved." (Louis Pauwels)

My studies and my professional experience:

  • Intership at "CRUSADERS" Super Rugby
    New Zealand Christchurch February-March 2018
  • Functional patterns
    Level 1 Naples June 2018
  • Personal Trainer Coach 1st Level Italian Weight Lifting Federation (FIPE)
    Verona, August-October 2013
  • Cross Fit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)
    Brisbane (Australia), 26.01/2014
  • Mobility Joint Workshop
    Milan, 15.03/2014
  • Diploma in Hygienic-Aesthetic Massage issued by CLEF Professional School, 2012
  • Specialization Course in Tear and Jump (FIPE Veneto)
    Vicenza, 18.05/2014
  • Cross Fit Weightlifting Trainer
    Belfast (Northern Ireland), 25.05/2014
  • Eleiko Weightlifting For Sport
    Club Coach Level 1
    Dublin (Ireland), 22.06/2014